爪哇鳳果 Garcinia Dulcis

Mundu, sold in Indonesia, P.T. Kurnia Subur, Malang

爪哇鳳果學名Garcinia dulcis Kurz.,金絲桃(藤黃)科常綠喬木,又稱大葉鳳果,原產於熱帶亞洲,葉對生,具短柄,橢圓形,葉端尖狀,葉基楔形,背面葉脈明顯且出尾,乳汁乳黃色,花從枝條節處長出,花梗長,花瓣白色,果實圓形,果梗長,熟果橘黃,可製清涼果汁。

Mundu or flat (Garcinia dulcis) is a kind of fruit tree that is native Indonesia.Buah also called apple java. The fruit can be eaten fresh or made into jam. Mundu is a kind of fruit trees are increasingly rare members of the genus Garcinia is closely related to the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) and kandis acid (Garcinia parvifolia). Mundu is believed to be native fruit crop grown in Indonesia is only part of Java and Borneo, although this plant is also grown in the Philippines and Thailand.

