Lansium domesticum 蘭撒果
Langsep, sold in Indonesia, PR. Langsep,Kudus
蘭撒(Lansium domesticum),又稱冷剎、蘆菇或杜古(馬來語:duku)、龍貢(Long Kong)俗稱「泰國黃皮」。原產於馬來群島的常綠喬木,亞洲熱帶地區廣泛栽培的果樹。果實簇生於老枝或枝幹旁,果肉味道像柚子,味道清甜而帶點看酸澀,是東南亞上等水果之一。
The langsat originated in western Malaysia and is common both wild and cultivated throughout the Archipelago and on the island of Luzon in the Philippines where the fruits are very popular and the tree is being utilized in reforestation of hilly areas. It is much grown, too, in southern Thailand and Vietnam and the fruits are plentiful on local markets. The langsat is cultivated mainly for its fruit, which can be eaten raw. The fruit can also be bottled in syrup. The wood is hard, thick, heavy, and resilient, allowing it to be used in the construction of rural houses.
蘭撒(Lansium domesticum),又稱冷剎、蘆菇或杜古(馬來語:duku)、龍貢(Long Kong)俗稱「泰國黃皮」。原產於馬來群島的常綠喬木,亞洲熱帶地區廣泛栽培的果樹。果實簇生於老枝或枝幹旁,果肉味道像柚子,味道清甜而帶點看酸澀,是東南亞上等水果之一。
The langsat originated in western Malaysia and is common both wild and cultivated throughout the Archipelago and on the island of Luzon in the Philippines where the fruits are very popular and the tree is being utilized in reforestation of hilly areas. It is much grown, too, in southern Thailand and Vietnam and the fruits are plentiful on local markets. The langsat is cultivated mainly for its fruit, which can be eaten raw. The fruit can also be bottled in syrup. The wood is hard, thick, heavy, and resilient, allowing it to be used in the construction of rural houses.