Nephelium lappaceum 紅毛丹

Rambutan, sold in Indonesia, PT Yingmei Indotabacco International

紅毛丹(Nephelium lappaceum),為東南亞原產之無患子科大型熱帶果樹,馬來文稱之(rambutan),意為「毛茸茸之物」。成熟的紅毛丹果並非都是紅色的,也有黃色的果子。有的紅毛丹的核的大小近似於芝麻。紅毛丹的味道類似於荔枝。紅毛丹株高可達15公尺,果肉白色,肉質,透明多汁,酸甜可口,內藏種子1粒,扁卵形。在東南亞產地,紅毛丹每年開花2次,4~5月、9~10月開花,7~8、12~1月採收果實。

A rambutan is a tree from southeast Asia. The fruit that grows on the tree is also called rambutan. It is like Lychee. The rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The name also refers to the edible fruit produced by this tree. The rambutan is native to the Malay-Indonesian region, and other regions of tropical Southeast Asia. The fruit are usually sold fresh, used in making jams and jellies, or canned.

