Jade Mountain 玉山

921, sold in Taiwan, Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Co. Ltd., 2004
Gentle Super Mild, sold in Taiwan, Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Co. Ltd., 2004

玉山,海拔3,952公尺,為台灣最高峰,百岳之首,位於玉山國家公園。位於南投縣信義鄉、高雄市桃源區及嘉義縣阿里山鄉交界處。早期西方人稱摩里遜山(Mt. Morrison)。日治時期時,因日本人發現玉山比日本本土的富士山還要高,於是稱為新高山。在臺灣百岳中,代表布農的玉山與泰雅的雪山、阿美的秀姑巒山、南湖大山、排灣的北大武山合稱「五岳」,為臺灣最具代表性的五座高山。

Jade Mountain, is the highest mountain in Taiwan at 3,952 metres above sea level, giving Taiwan the fourth highest maximum elevation of any island in the world. The obsolete name of Mount Morrison  is thought to have been named in honor of the 19th century missionary Robert Morrison. Today, the mountain is generally referred to as Yushan or Mt. Jade.

