品牌進化 Chesterfield 1

 Chesterfield香菸品牌創立於1876年,由美國菸草公司American Tobacco Company (ATC)創立。Chesterfield最初是一種土耳其香菸,以其醇厚的口感和濃郁的香氣而聞名。Chesterfield香菸的市場定位是經典美式香菸品牌。Chesterfield香菸的價格通常低於其他香菸品牌,其目標客戶群是普通消費者。Chesterfield香菸曾在大約150個國家和地區銷售。目前,Chesterfield香菸主要在美國、歐洲和亞洲的一些國家和地區銷售。

The Chesterfield cigarette brand was established in 1876 by the American Tobacco Company (ATC). Initially, Chesterfields were Turkish cigarettes known for their full-bodied taste and strong aroma. Chesterfield cigarettes are positioned as a classic American brand. They are typically priced lower than other brands, targeting a general consumer base. Chesterfield cigarettes were once sold in roughly 150 countries and regions. Currently, they are primarily available in the United States, some European countries, and select Asian countries.

