品牌進化 Viceroy 1
Viceroy香菸品牌於1899年在美國創立,現由雷諾美國菸草公司(R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company)持有。其品牌英文名稱Viceroy意為「總督」。Viceroy香菸在早期以其高品質的香菸和時尚的包裝而聞名,並以「The Cigarette of Distinction」(脫穎而出的香菸)作為口號。在1920年代和1930年代,Viceroy曾是美國最暢銷的香菸品牌之一。1940年代,Viceroy推出了濾嘴香菸,並將其定位為高檔香菸品牌。Viceroy濾嘴香菸迅速獲得了成功,並成為Viceroy品牌的主力產品。目前,Viceroy香菸的市場定位為大眾香菸,主要面向中低收入消費族群。其產品在全球70多個國家和地區銷售,包括美國、加拿大、歐洲、亞洲等。
Viceroy cigarettes were introduced in the United States in 1899 by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The brand name "Viceroy" means "governor" in French. Viceroy cigarettes were initially known for their high-quality tobacco and stylish packaging. The brand used the slogan "The Cigarette of Distinction" during the 1920s and 1930s, a period when Viceroy was one of the best-selling cigarette brands in the United States. In the 1940s, Viceroy introduced filter cigarettes and repositioned itself as a premium brand. Viceroy filter cigarettes were a success and became the main product line for the brand. Today, Viceroy cigarettes are positioned as a value brand, primarily targeting middle- and lower-income consumers. The brand's products are sold in over 70 countries and regions worldwide, including North America, Europe, and Asia.