品牌進化 Silk Cut 1

Silk Cut 香菸品牌是一個知名的英國香菸品牌,成立於1964年,由加拉赫集團(Gallaher Group)推出。Silk Cut 以其低焦油、低尼古丁的特性和紫色的包裝設計而聞名,專門針對那些尋求較低健康風險的吸菸者。Silk Cut 的市場定位主要面向注重健康風險的消費者,尤其是那些希望減少尼古丁和焦油攝入量的吸菸者。其紫色包裝和簡潔的設計風格,展現出品牌獨特的高雅形象。Silk Cut 香菸在英國和愛爾蘭廣受歡迎,也在歐洲其他國家如西班牙、希臘等地區銷售。它被視為一個具有健康考量和高品質形象的品牌,吸引了那些希望減少健康風險的消費者。

Silk Cut is a well-known British cigarette brand that was established in 1964 by the Gallaher Group. The brand is famous for its low-tar, low-nicotine characteristics and its distinctive purple packaging, specifically targeting smokers who are concerned about health risks. Silk Cut's market positioning primarily caters to health-conscious consumers, especially those looking to reduce their nicotine and tar intake. Its purple packaging and minimalist design convey a unique and sophisticated brand image. Silk Cut cigarettes are particularly popular in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and they are also sold in other European countries such as Spain and Greece. The brand is considered to have a health-conscious and high-quality image, attracting consumers who wish to minimize health risks.

