品牌進化 Mevius 1

Mevius 香菸(前稱 Mild Seven)是日本知名的國際香菸品牌,由日本煙草公司(Japan Tobacco Inc.)於1977年推出。該品牌以其輕柔、順口的口感而著稱,最初以「Mild Seven」為名,並於2013年進行品牌重塑,改名為 Mevius,以提升國際市場的吸引力。Mevius 在全球多個國家和地區銷售,尤其在亞洲、東歐和中東地區非常受歡迎。作為亞洲最暢銷的品牌之一,它在全球範圍內也逐漸擴展其影響力。

Mevius (formerly known as Mild Seven) is a well-known international cigarette brand from Japan, launched by Japan Tobacco Inc. in 1977. The brand became famous for its smooth and mild taste. Initially known as "Mild Seven," the brand underwent a rebranding in 2013, changing its name to Mevius to enhance its appeal in international markets. Mevius is sold in many countries worldwide, particularly popular in Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. As one of the best-selling brands in Asia, it is steadily expanding its global presence.

